is a directory of design, web, photography and architecture agencies, studios and professionals operating in Turin and its province, catalogued according to their profession and service they offer. It is a useful tool for clients, students and professionals to look for work, meet colleagues or find collaborators for new projects.
It stems from the need to obtain an alphabetically ordered list of all the specialists in this sector, in opposition to the impossibility of finding them via search engines that give more or less visibility to websites only on the basis of their search engine opitmisation tactics.
The bilingual project also pays homage to the history of Turin graphics by using Forma and Recta, two typefaces designed at the Nebiolo foundries in Turin.

A directory for designers
The layout is clearly inspired by paper: the telephone directory is in fact an equally useful object, where although it was possible to pay for more space, it is not an algorithm that decides what can be seen and what cannot. is already a very heterogeneous database, but not yet exhaustive. Anyone can register for free, but their applications are analysed manually to ensure the veracity and quality of the results listed.
Studios and professionals are described with one or more categories, one or more services offered. It is not a detailed inventory of individual skills, but offers an overview of what Turin can offer, remaining understandable even to non-experts. Freelancers are indicated as F, studios as S and agencies as A. The junior label (J), on the other hand, is reserved for recent graduates or those who already work occasionally without a VAT, interesting for those who want to position themselves as freelancers but are still at the beginning of their careers.
An instagram account ( promotes the projects of the designers on a weekly basis, an equal showcase for established and still little-known realities.

The project has been realized with Cinzia Bongino.
Frizzi Frizzi published an article on this in early 2021.